
ALR 9952

Accommodation Survey Winner - March 2024

Posted at 01 April 2024 in Health & Wellbeing

Our March 2024 accommodation survey winner announcement.

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10 things to do at university as a non-drinker

Posted at 21 August 2023 in Village Life, Health & Wellbeing

One of our student content creators Zuzanna, gives us her top 10 things to do at uni that don't involve alcohol.

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Try These Six Mindful Activities

Posted at 05 May 2023 in Health & Wellbeing

Check out #ResidentContentCreator Zuzanna's easy mindful activities to help you during the exam period!

ALR 9952

Accommodation Survey Winner - October 2023

Posted at 27 March 2023 in Health & Wellbeing

Our October 2023 accommodation survey winner announcement.

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Four New Year’s Resolutions for Students

Posted at 16 December 2022 in Village Life, Health & Wellbeing

To help you start the New Year on the right foot, we’ve put together four New Year’s resolutions to help you smash the year ahead. You’ve got this!

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Housekeeping Top Tips

Posted at 05 December 2022 in Village Life, Health & Wellbeing

We’ve put together a list of easy housekeeping tips to help you keep your space clean and tidy, so keep reading if you want your room to feel fresh!

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Ways You Can Practise Self-Care

Posted at 07 October 2022 in Health & Wellbeing

We’ve rounded up a list of ways you can begin to practise self-care to help give yourself a little boost!

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Eight Fun Sober Things to Do During Freshers

Posted at 22 September 2022 in Village Life, Health & Wellbeing

Freshers week isn’t just about nights out. It’s about making new friends and celebrating your new surroundings.

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Top Five Free Wellness Apps

Posted at 31 August 2022 in Health & Wellbeing

Have you ever considered making your phone, and the apps on it work for you?

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Five of Our Favourite Sustainable and Eco‑Friendly Brands

Posted at 31 August 2022 in Health & Wellbeing

Thinking of taking the first steps to become more environmentally friendly when it comes to shopping? We’ve got just the blog for you.

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6 Budget-Friendly Healthy Meals

Posted at 04 March 2022 in Health & Wellbeing, Food & Drink

What we eat doesn't just affect our physical health, it can impact our mental health too. Eating regularly, choosing foods that give you slow releasing energy, and incorporating a variety of fruit and vegetables into your diet can often improve your sense of wellbeing and mood.