
Resoloutions Dec 293

Four New Year’s Resolutions for Students

Posted at 16 December 2022 in Village Life, Health & Wellbeing
It’s time to wave goodbye to 2022! So, what better time to shed old habits and focus on setting new attainable goals?
To help you start the New Year on the right foot, we’ve put together four New Year’s resolutions to help you smash the year ahead. You’ve got this! 
Don’t leave everything until the night before
So many students leave their work to the last minute. The best time to finish that essay is not on the same morning that it’s due in!
A little forward planning and some organisation can be a big help and allows you to reflect on the work while also getting a head start. 
Stick to a monthly budget
Setting a weekly or monthly budget and sticking to it is a great place to start after your loan drops. It lets you see if you’re spending too much money and how much you have left over.
The easiest place to start is by adding up your income; this includes:
  • Your loan
  • Any grants, bursaries, sponsorships, or scholarships you’re eligible for
  • Money from your parents or guardians
  • Wages from a job
Then take off all your essential outgoings:
  • Rent
  • Your phone contracts
  • Contents insurance
  • Any travel or car costs
  • Food
You can spend whatever you have left over on other things, such as social activities. Get an estimated monthly breakdown of how much you'll need to live on using the student budget calculator from Which? For more tips on budgeting, check out our Student Budgeting Hacks blog.

Keep your space clean

No one enjoys washing up straight away. However, you’ll like the aftermath of leaving them out even less. The same goes for emptying the bins regularly; it’s needed if you don’t want your kitchen smelling.

Get in the habit of doing your dishes straight after you’ve eaten. For other general cleaning duties, make sure you work out a plan with your flatmates, where one person is dedicated to a specific task on set days. Looking for some top cleaning tips to help keep your room fresh? Click here

Practise self-care

Many things can get in the way of taking care of yourself, such as studying, work and social commitments, but practising self-care is so important when it comes to taking care of your emotional health and well-being.

If you’re looking for some self-care inspiration, we’ve rounded up a list of ways you can begin to practise self-care to help give yourself a little boost, read them here.

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