
Blog Header Celeb Degrees

The most surprising celebrity degrees

Posted at 16 August 2017 in Study & Career

When you feel like throwing in your degree and following your, much more abstract, dreams, think of all the now-celebrities who were once in your position. From mastermind comedians to genius musicians, some of your favourite celebs used to be no different to you – down the Students’ Union enjoying a cheap pint, sitting through hungover lectures and spending all-nighters in the library in a bid to submit their dissertation on time.

Blog Header Working Away

How you can work abroad this summer

Posted at 09 May 2017 in Study & Career

Whilst your loan may be running low, your dreams of heading abroad for a couple of months definitely aren’t. So how do you go about an extended holiday without having to beg your family for cash? Here’s your list of options based on how you want to spend this summer…

Blog Header Studying Abroad 1

Studying abroad: where should you go?

Posted at 18 April 2017 in Study & Career

Wanting to study abroad and still trying to decide where to go? Well we got some great ideas for you to help you with your decision.

Blog Header Alternative Jobs

Alternative jobs you can do as a student

Posted at 20 March 2017 in Study & Career

Being a student often means needing to earn some extra pennies by getting a job serving drinks or waiting on tables.