
Liverpool Amenities 01

The truth about Clearing

Posted at 04 June 2024 in Study & Career

Through their eyes: Clearing success stories that’ll calm any results-day worries

Clearing, for some students it feels like the worst possible outcome – “if you don’t get the grades, you might end up having to go through Clearing!”

Well we’re here to smash the myth that changing your university/course post-results-day is a bad thing. For one, some people go through Clearing because they get better grades than they expected.

Sure, a lot of people use Clearing because they didn’t perform as well as they expected. But things happen for a reason and you might end up having the time of your life – this lot did.

Bethan’s multilingual lifestyle

Bethan Port is an awesome example of someone who made the most of unexpectedly high grades, and she even got the opportunity to travel while studying. Take it from us, there’s nothing like going abroad for meeting new people and building the old self confidence!

Here’s what she said:

 “I went through Clearing  because I did better in my A-Levels than expected. I ended up doing English with a year abroad in Barcelona at Southampton University, giving me the experience of a lifetime and the chance to learn another language.

 “I also made incredible friends from day one in halls, who I lived with throughout my time at Southampton - some of them didn't plan on studying there either. We always say how well everything worked out for us and how lucky we feel.”

Matthew’s simple, seamless experience

Just because Clearing is a second chance to find a suitable uni, doesn’t mean your experience will be second rate. Matthew Davis was surprised by the opportunities available and it sounds like he got everything he wanted from university:

“I loved my experience of Clearing and I wouldn’t be where I am today without it.

“The process was quick and easy, and allowed me to settle into university seamlessly so that I could enjoy Freshers’ Week and the coming months and years. There were many different options of courses to choose from too which I didn’t expect.”

Tamsin’s newfound fave city

Some people go to uni with the mindset that they’ll try out another city for a while, create three years’ worth of memories to last a lifetime, and return home ready and eager for the world of work.

If you’re super-lucky though, you might be a Tamsin Jackson and unexpectedly find a new home you absolutely adore. Not only did Clearing motivate Tamsin to work her socks off, but she fell in love with her new home, too:

“I went to university through Clearing because I didn’t make the A-Level grades that I had expected. I got a place at Bristol [University of the West of England] easily through Clearing and onto the course I had hoped for.

“My experience at university was absolutely amazing and I think not getting the grades I had hoped for at college made me work even harder at university. I now work in my dream job and it has made me so grateful for my education. I went to university through Clearing and discovered a city I absolutely love.

“I now live back in London, but I love Bristol so much that I will be moving back there in a couple of years and am thinking of buying a house/apartment there.”

Megan’s perfect job in PR

Megan Winzer speaks our language; sometimes you can be uber-prepared but that’s not a guarantee that everything will go to plan.

On the other hand, Megan went from being heartbroken and tearful to ecstatic about her course choice and career in PR:

“When I applied to university I really had no idea what I wanted to study, and, due to my love of being organised, I ended up having five confirmed offers from universities to study Business Management.

“However, come results day, I found out that I hadn’t got the grades to go to those universities. I was absolutely heartbroken and results day was spent going through Clearing, frantically ringing different unis (and also crying a lot, ha ha) and I decided to pursue a completely different university course.

“By 4pm on results day, I ended up with a confirmed offer to study Journalism and Public Relations at The University of Lincoln! Fast forward three years, and, after graduating in  with a 2:1, I have a full-time job in PR and literally could not be happier!

“It was a really tough time but I am so happy I made the choice I did, even if the first time I visited Lincoln was the day I moved into my student accommodation!”

Not to bring back stressful memories of GCSE English, but you know what they say, “the best-laid plans of mice and men, often go awry”. If you’re set to go through Clearing or you’re losing sleep over what results day will bring, just remember to grab every opportunity you get with both hands and live your best life!

Regardless of which city you end up in, our student accommodation at Campus Living Villages has the solution to all of your living needs. In the meantime, make sure you’re prepped for uni life and check out student-friendly tips on our blog.

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