Village Life

We're social

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Read blogs from our student writers, see details on recent competition winners, and more!

The Hub

Breakfast on the go!

Village: Belgrave View Location: Reception Start Time: 8:00AM 16 July 2024 End Time: 11:00AM 16 July 2024


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Fitzroy Water Fight

Village: Fitzroy Court Location: Fitzroy Reception Start Time: 2:00PM 16 July 2024 End Time: 5:00PM 16 July 2024

Join us for the big Fitzroy Water Fight at reception! Water pistols, water balloons, snacks and drinks will be available. Come and cool off this summer with your friends!

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Board-Game Night

Village: Burley Road Location: Common Room Start Time: 5:00PM 19 July 2024 End Time: 7:00PM 19 July 2024

Time for board games!


Breakfast on the go!

Village: Belgrave View Location: Reception Start Time: 8:00AM 25 July 2024 End Time: 11:00AM 25 July 2024


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Ice Cream!

Village: Burley Road Location: Reception Start Time: 2:00PM 04 August 2024 End Time: 5:00PM 04 August 2024

With the warming weather join us for an ice cream!

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Burley's art competition

Village: Burley Road Location: Reception Start Time: 10:00AM 30 August 2024 End Time: 11:00PM 30 August 2024

Are you a digital artist? Maybe you are fantastic at knitting! Whatever your talent you can enter this art competition! We will accept all forms of art and the 3 best will win a gift card of their choice!

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Welcome Meeting

Village: John Lester and Eddie Colman Courts Location: John Lester Social Room Start Time: 6:00PM 02 September 2024 End Time: 8:00PM 02 September 2024

Meet and greet with the staff and other residents. Beer and snacks will be provided.

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Welcome Barbecue

Village: John Lester and Eddie Colman Courts Location: John Lester Courtyard Start Time: 12:00PM 07 September 2024 End Time: 4:00PM 07 September 2024

Free hot dogs and burgers for you and your family.

Running a raffle in pubs

Check in Raffle

Village: Rusholme Place Location: Reception Start Time: 9:00AM 09 September 2024 End Time: 8:00PM 22 September 2024

Enter our raffle for a chance to win a variety of prizes, including Amazon vouchers, headphones, and much more. Don't miss out on the fun!

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Meet The Team Breakfast

Village: Rusholme Place Location: Reception Start Time: 9:00AM 11 September 2024 End Time: 10:00AM 11 September 2024

Treat yourself to a complimentary breakfast with pre-packaged spreads and jams, accompanied by piping hot tea, and a chance to meet the team.

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Wine and Cheese Welcome Night

Village: John Lester and Eddie Colman Courts Location: John Lester Social Room Start Time: 6:00PM 12 September 2024 End Time: 9:00PM 12 September 2024

Meet and greet with the staff and other residents. A selection of wines, beers, cheese and crackers will be provided.