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Tips on Making Friends at University

Posted at 22 August 2022 in Village Life

Making friends is one of the biggest worries for many freshers, and although it may feel a bit daunting now, it’s a lot easier than you might think!   

Feeling nervous is normal, and it’s important to remember that others are in the same boat as you. A lot of other students will be trying to meet new people and make new friends when they first arrive.   

To help make the process slightly easier, here are our top tips on ways you can make friends at uni. Let’s get started!   

Join our official Facebook Groups  

Make friends before you arrive by joining our official closed Facebook groups. They’re the perfect place for new arrivals and returning residents to meet your potential flatmates and village residents before you move in/  

Visit the Village Guide tab in the resident portal for a link to join the group.  

Attend your course introduction   

With so many events and happenings going on in fresher’s week, it’s easy to forget that you have a course to study for.   

Although getting to know your flatmates might be one of the most important things on your mind, if you get invited to a course induction, it’s really important that you go and chat with people who’ll you’ll be in your lecturers with over the next three years.   

Even if your induction is at 9 am, it’ll be worth it in the end!   

Go along to Village Life Events  

Even if you don’t click with a group of people straight away, it makes sense that the more time you spend with other students, the more likely you will meet someone you really get along with.   

Our Village Life events programme is the perfect place to meet some friendly faces, from Boba Tea nights to communal BBQs, games nights to Guide Dog events. They’re perfect to attend if you want to chat, laugh and learn new skills.   

Check out which Village Life events are happening in your village here.   

Hang out in communal spaces 

From common rooms to communal gyms and cinema rooms, our villages have some great communal spaces for you to hang out in. It's likely people will constantly be coming and going, so they’re a great place to go to spark up a conversation with some of your fellow residents.   

Socialise with your flatmates   

One of the easiest ways to make friends at university is to get to know the people you’ll be spending the next nine months with.   

When you first meet them, it might feel difficult to know where to begin, but we recommend organising day trips to explore your new surroundings. Going out for lunch or grabbing a quick coffee together is a great way to get to know someone. Just remember they’re in the same position as you, and chances are they’ll probably feel just as nervous ! 

Join a society  

Most universities have hundreds of societies, so you’re bound to find one that suits your interests.   

Signing up to societies or clubs that interest you can be an easy platform for making friends, as the people there are likely to have similar interests to you already! You’ll be able to find out more about what societies your uni offers over on their website or at a fresher’s fair.   

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