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How to Keep Active at University

Posted at 02 March 2022 in Health & Wellbeing

Whether you’re focused on studying hard or throwing yourself into university life, it’s important to remember to keep active.  

Research has shown that regular exercise helps not only with our physical health but also improves our mental health. For example, keeping physically active can help to boost your mood, improve your sleep, and help you deal with stress.  

There are numerous ways you can add physical activity into your routine at university without it feeling like a task. We know that not everyone enjoys exercising the same way, so we’ve listed a variety of easy ways to keep active while at university.


Home solo workouts 

Although going to the gym provides a dedicated exercise space, home workouts can be flexible and often more efficient. Working out from the comfort of your accommodation can eliminate travelling time while also saving you money on a gym membership.  

There are endless ways to get your sweat on at home! You can download an app, watch a video or live stream and even attend virtual classes - all without leaving your accommodation. 

If you’re looking for the perfect home workout routine, check out our 12 exercise moves you can do in your bedroom blog.  


Exercise with others  

Sometimes exercising is better with friends and can make a workout seem more fun. It’s also a great way to keep you feeling motivated while getting to know your flatmates. 

There are plenty of exercises you can do in a group, from jogging to walking, and gym classes to swimming. 

Why not organise a group workout session in your village’s social space? Speak to a member of your Village Team for support on organising a fitness event.  


Join societies and sports teams  

If you’re looking for an activity to help you keep fit but not sure what to try, why not take a look at the societies and sports teams your university has on offer to join. 

Joining a team or society is an excellent way for you to learn a new skill and get involved, with the bonus of making new friends along the way. Likewise, you could also join up alongside your flatmates as an activity to do together.  


Explore your local area 

Did you know a short 20-minute stroll can clear the mind and reduce stress? Walking is a great way to keep active, and it’s completely free!  

Use your walk to take in your surroundings or explore somewhere new, whether it be a local park, nearby countryside or even around your local city/town centre.  



Get a gym or leisure centre membership  

Some of our villages come with a free on-site gym which is  exclusively for residents, full of great cardio and weight equipment to help you get your sweat on. Check out our locations and their amenities over on our website. 

Many universities have their own or multiple gyms, with student memberships available - usually at discounted prices. Joining a gym is a great way to try out some new exercises and help you reach your fitness goals.  



Give yoga ago  

Yoga is a great way to increase your physical activity, particularly strength, flexibility, and balance. It is also generally good at helping to improve your mindfulness and well-being.  

You can practise yoga in your room, gym, or even at your local park. It might be worth investing in a yoga mat to help cushion your body and prevent slipping.  

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