
Meet Conner: Your Helpful Guide to Uni Life
My name is Connor, and I am a first-year student studying Business Management at my University on a brand new campus! I’m living on Campus, right across the road from where my lectures are, talk about convenience! I’m from a town Called Aberdare, near Merthyr Tydfil, in the welsh valleys, around 30 minutes from Cardiff.
When I was deciding on which University I wanted to spend the next four years of my life, I originally wanted to stay home and commute, so my first choice was somewhere local, where the trains run regularly from my hometown so I thought this plan would be great. I didn’t want to move out, as I preferred to study in my home, where I was happy, and the thought of moving out at the time was a scary prospect, and I simply wasn’t ready for it. My main priority was locality and accessibility.
So, when I finalised my UCAS application, I applied for a number of different universities, with a local Russel Group uni (where I wanted to study given its prestigious title) being my first choice. However, I soon received a rejection letter, much to my dismay at the time! I did however soon receive conditionals from the four other universities, and accepted one that required 3Bs for me to get in - which I got!
I love living in new uni city, even though it's much further away from home than I had originally planned, particularly as it's on campus, and especially as I am so close to the beach! My accommodation is also amazing – it isn’t too expensive, particularly given it’s right on campus and five minutes from the beach!
It turns out that living away is great, not being bound to rules and having to be in before 12. However, responsibility is important, as I have come to realise. My mum isn’t there if I do something stupid! Freshers’ was a crazy few weeks for me; the parties, and fresher’s fayres… they all integrated me into uni living, and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Though there were a few nights I got a bit *too* drunk and lost important valuables, which, luckily, I got back, I learned my lesson after that.
Connor's top tip - just remember to be responsible and you will enjoy the night more!
Starting my degree has been challenging. Business Management isn’t easy, as so many will say, especially if you don’t have an A Level in Maths… we’re also not spoon fed like in Sixth Form, so it’s up to us to do well! However, being in a lecture environment is exciting, especially during the first few weeks, so I’m sure you’ll enjoy it!
This post was written by one of our Uni Life Bloggers, Connor. Co
Make sure you keep up with Connor's story, and our other bloggers', as they talk you through their year at university.